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A Case Study in the Business Culture of Saudi Arabia


Case studies are a great way of learning.

Especially so when it comes to exploring cultural differences in business.

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Culture Shock in Brazil: A Foreigner’s Guide to Doing Business


Big, beautiful Brazil!

For many foreigners doing business in the country for the first time, it can be a bit overwhelming!

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10 Taboos to Avoid When Doing Business in India


Indian culture is colourful and complex.

For those new to the country, it’s important to learn the rules around behaviour.

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The Canadian Communication Style


How do Canadians communicate?

Well, different cultures communicate in different ways and Canada is no different.

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How to Make a Good Impression when Doing Business with the Chinese


Working with the Chinese?

Then you need to make a good impression from the get-go!

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The Business of Meetings in French Culture


Doing business with the French?

Then you’ll be attending plenty of meetings!

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Business Practices and Italian Culture


If you’re working with Italians and want to make a good impression, then this blog's for you!

The most valuable thing you can do is to learn about Italian business culture.

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How to Shake Hands with the Japanese


Shaking hands is common in Japanese culture.

However, it is not a habit that’s native to them - meaning there are some cultural differences.

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How NOT to Build Business Relationships with Americans


Cultures build relationships in different ways.

Understanding these cultural differences can be the difference between success and failure.

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A Case Study in Japanese Business Culture and Humour


Business case studies are a great way of learning.

If you want to learn more about Japanese business culture and practices, then this case study will give you some great insights.

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Three Tips for Doing Business in Canada and Navigating the Culture


If you’re off to Canada on business, then it’s important to make a great impression from the get-go!

Learning about the country, people and their business culture will go a long way in helping you succeed.

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Chinese Firms Face Tough Cultural Challenges in US Marketplace


We hear a lot in the news about cultural differences with Western companies going East, but rarely about Eastern companies coming to the West.

A great little article in the South China Morning Post by Mark Magnier suggests that when it comes to navigating different business cultures, Chinese companies are finding very similar challenges when working on the global stage, especially in the USA.

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The Culture of Time in the Arab World


Cultures experience time in different ways.

When working across cultures, this can cause problems.

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A Brief Introduction to Judaism


Want to learn the basics about Judaism?

Welcome to our quick intro to the religion of the Jews!

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Business Card Etiquette Abroad


When doing business abroad it is important to understand the local culture.

Culture includes areas such as a country's norms, values, behaviours, food, architecture, fashion and art.

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The Basics of Business Meeting Etiquette


Business etiquette is essentially about building relationships with colleagues, clients or customers.

In the business world, it is these people that can influence your success or failure.

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Cross Cultural Negotiations in International Business


Are you involved in negotiations with people from other countries and cultures?

Do you sometimes get confused with the negotiation process?

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How Do I Give Presentations to Audiences from Different Cultures?


Do you want some advice on giving presentations abroad or to multicultural audiences?

Then you are in exactly the right place!

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The 10 Best Cross Cultural Marketing Blunders


Cultural differences have a long and rich history of ruining marketing campaigns!

Although a little cruel, cross cultural marketing fails are a humorous means of understanding the impact poor cultural awareness can have when selling or working abroad.

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Why do Exporters Need to Understand Language and Culture?


Globalisation, internationalisation and trans-border trade are all terms that have been coined over the past decade(s) to reflect the reality of international trade.

Although international trade has long been in operation, the scale, frequency and speed at which it is conducted today is incomparable.

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