How Do I Give Presentations to Audiences from Different Cultures?
Do you want some advice on giving presentations abroad or to multicultural audiences?
Then you are in exactly the right place!
Grab a drink and get ready for spending the next few minutes of your life learning about giving presentations to audiences from cultures different to your own.
We'll give you some excellent basic guidance on things to consider next time you're developing a presentation that may need some cultural insights to make sure it's a success.
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8 Tips on Presenting to Audiences from Different Cultures
The international flavour of many people's jobs naturally means that there is greater interaction between people from different cultures.
Within the business environment, understanding and coping with cultural differences between people is critical to ensuring that interpersonal communication is successful.
Cultural awareness is necessary for two reasons.
- Firstly, it minimises the possibility of misunderstandings and/or the causing of offense through intercultural mishaps.
- Secondly, it is a means to maximising the potential of business relationships through the utilization of intercultural differences productively.
One area within the business environment in which cultural awareness is a necessity is in the business presentation.
Directors, managers, salespeople, consultants and business personnel are regularly required to deliver presentations. However, when one is asked to give a presentation to an audience from a different culture there are intercultural factors that can hinder the success of a presentation.
By way of illustrating some of the cultural differences in presentations, these tips to effective cross cultural presentations are offered.
1. Language:
The language you use in a cross cultural presentation is important.
Although the majority of the language that is used in a cross cultural presentation will be understood by an English speaking foreign audience, a speaker must be careful when it comes to slang, idioms or phrases.
If an Englishman were to talk of being "knocked for six" or "bowled over" he may very well be met with puzzled expressions. More subtly, when an American talks of a 'billion' he means a thousand million, whereas in the UK this would mean a million million.
Try and keep language simple.
2. Body Language:
Pay attention to your body language in a cross cultural presentation.
Some cultures are quite animated and will appreciate hand gestures and the expression of emotion through the body. Others expect speakers to remain calm and would find such behaviour over the top. Similarly pay attention to the use of gestures. The thumbs up may mean 'good' in the USA but it means something very different in Iran. Eye contact can also be a major intercultural difference. Some cultures consider strong eye contact a sign of sincerity, others find it overbearing and an invasion of privacy.
Do your cross cultural homework before a presentation.
3. Time:
Be aware of different approaches to time across cultures.
Some cultures prefer a structured, timetabled approach to conducting business affairs, others are more casual. In countries where a start time is considered a guide rather than a definite, allow time for networking or engage in some chit chat until others arrive. Oppositely, if you arrive late to a meeting in a punctual culture, expect some negative feedback.
Always show the appropriate stiffness or flexibility depending on the culture.
4. Emotions:
Some presentations may be in front of a small number of people and deal with sensitive issues in a pressured environment.
In such intercultural situations one should always keep their emotions in check. In some cultures a certain amount of cross examination or scrutiny may occur. If this happens bear in mind the positive intentions behind such actions, i.e. the questions are only being posed to establish facts, not to undermine you. Never lose patience, show frustration or display anger.
To do so will lead to a loss of credibility.
5. Style of Presentation:
Different cultures learn and take in information in varying ways.
One should always try and tailor their presentation style to meet the needs of the target culture. Some cultures, such as Europeans, prefer information to be presented in detail and in a way that sets down foundations that act as the support to a final argument or point. In such a presentation the speaker should gradually lead the audience, using a logical succession of points, to a conclusion.
On the other hand, some cultures, like the US, prefer a much faster paced presentation that is bottom-line orientated, meaning the presenter speaks from a point rather towards a point.
6. Use of Technology:
Power Point is not the default method of giving a presentation across the world.
Some countries many not even have the technical capabilities to accommodate this so one would need to adapt to the resources at hand, whether it be an Over Head Projector or blackboard. Some cultures do not even like a visual element to presentations and find much more worth in words and personality.
7. Content:
In a cross cultural presentation, ensure you tailor the content of a presentation to the audience.
Different cultures expect different things from a business presentation. Long term orientated cultures may be excited about future projections and figures, but others would rather learn more about the presenter's credentials, accomplishments and experience.
A presenter needs to ask whether the target culture will appreciate factual, statistical information presented visually, or a more personal oratory approach.
8. Audience Participation:
Audiences react in different ways across cultures.
Some are very engaging and are willing to participate in exercises and Q&A sessions, others are the opposite. Audiences also show respect in many ways. A Japanese audience may close their eyes while listening; a US one may clap when a good point is made and a Saudi one may do nothing at all.
Although the number of areas where one could point to cultural differences in presentations is vast, for the sake of brevity the above mentioned areas have been highlighted as a way of drawing attention to some of the major ones.
It is hoped these can then act as a foundation to improving ones insight into the way intercultural differences manifest in the business environment.
Learn more about Cultural Differences in Business
If you want to explore the impact of culture on yourself and the workplace, then have a look at our Cultural Awareness eLearning course.
It's a really detailed course offering lots of insights into cultural differences. Check out the free video sample below.
Photo by Matthew Osborn on Unsplash
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