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The Singaporean Communication Style: A Guide for Foreign Business Professionals


As a thriving global business hub, Singapore is an important country for those working on the international stage.

For foreigners new to working with the country, understanding potential cultural differences around communication is essential.

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Communication in Malaysian Business Culture


New to working with Malaysians?

One thing you need to get right from the get-go is how to communicate with care.

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What’s Indonesian Business Culture Like?


If you’re working with Indonesians or doing business in Indonesia, then learning about the business culture is essential.

Understanding the people, their values, etiquette and customs will greatly boost your success.

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Common Fails Salespeople Make When Selling to Foreign Cultures


“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

This quote, attributed to Benjamin Franklin, is particularly relevant when thinking about cross-cultural and international sales.

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Navigating Canadian Business Culture


If you’re new to working with Canadians, then learning a bit about the business culture is essential.

Sometimes, small insights into cultural differences can help us better understand our interactions with other people.

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Understanding Filipino Business Culture


If you work with Filipino colleagues or clients, then getting to know the culture will really help.

Although Filipinos are very worldly and au fait with working with foreigners, as with any people, they have a certain way of doing things.

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Business Culture in Japan


Business culture reflects the values of a country or society.

If you imagine a tree representing a culture; underneath the ground are all the values, ethics, history and philosophy that underpin the culture.

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How to Sell to Customers from Different Cultures and Countries


Do cultural differences matter in sales?

Well, if you’re looking for the answer to this question, then chances are you already know. It's a yes!

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Selling Across Cultures – How to Win at Cross-Cultural Sales


How do you sell to different cultures? How does culture influence sales?

If you sell internationally then the answers to these questions could be worth a lot in bonuses!

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How Do Businesses Negotiate in Saudi Arabia?


Imagine that you’re presented with an unfamiliar board game and told to play it.

Unfortunately, you don’t understand the rules and irritate the other players by making mistakes and getting things wrong.

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Cultural Differences between The U.S. and Saudi Arabia in Business


If you’re American and new to doing business with Saudis, then this is for you!

We're going to give you a quick-fire overview of some of the most common challenges faced by the two cultures when doing business together.

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Doing Business in Saudi Arabia as a Woman


If you’re looking for guidance on being a foreign businesswoman in Saudi Arabia, then you’re off to a good start.

Researching Saudi culture and society demonstrates you already have some awareness that things work a little differently in Saudi Arabia.

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Essential Tips for Doing Business in The Middle East


The Middle East is an area that carries many stereotypes and myths.

Before doing business in the Middle East it is imperative to learn about areas such as business culture, business etiquette, meeting protocol and negotiation techniques. 

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How Lack of Cultural Awareness Can Cost A Business Big

How Lack of Cultural Awareness Can Cost A Business Big

In this article, we look at how a lack of cultural awareness can have big cost implications for a business.

Western businesses that believe their approach to business is 'the only way', are losing out on contracts and productivity when it comes to interfacing with foreign companies.

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6 Simple Tips to Avoid Making a Cultural Faux Pas When Working Abroad


Are you new to working abroad? Travelling to a foreign country for the first time for business?

Getting it right when working overseas is critical; but what do you do if you have little or no international exposure?

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10 Deadly Stereotypes about Iran We Hear in Cross Cultural Training


Training business professionals prior to visiting Iran gives us an excellent insight into the misconceptions, stereotypes, fears and worries many foreigners hold.

We're going to share 10 of the most DEADLY!

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10 Very Cool Facts About South Korean Culture

10 Very Cool Facts About South Korean Culture

Discover some of the more unknown aspects of South Korean culture and society!

Sometimes it's the quirky things a country or culture does that really gives us insights into the people.

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Media Throw Confusion Over Wearing of Hijab in Saudi Arabia

Media Throw Confusion Over Wearing of Hijab in Saudi Arabia

Some recent news coverage focusing on Theresa May not wearing a headscarf on her business trip to Saudi Arabia has caused some major confusion over etiquette and protocol in the Kingdom.

Certain news outlets and media seemed to use terminology that suggested that the British PM May somehow 'refused' the idea of covering her hair.

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What do I Need to Know About Doing Business in Muslim Countries During Ramadan?


Do you work with or travel to Muslim majority countries? 

Then you need to know all about Ramadan!

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Inside Indian Culture: Tips When Doing Business in India


India, despite years of efforts by PM Narendra Modi to implement changes to the contrary, remains one of the toughest places on the planet to do business.

A highly-advanced nation in many respects, with an educated English-speaking population, a wealthy middle-class, advances in technology and an international business outlook, many from the outside approach India as easy pickings.

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