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How Can Cultural Competence Positively Affect Your Business?


In today's globalized world, businesses are increasingly operating across borders and cultures.

As such, Cultural Competence has become an essential business skill.

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  2495 Hits

A Simple Guide to Cultural Competency Training


Employers today require Cultural Competence in their organizations more than ever.

In the age of globalization, diversity, inclusion and engagement, it’s critical to have employees capable of working with people from different cultures.

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  19848 Hits

What Should be Covered in a Cultural Training Course?


'Cultural Training’ course content should include everything necessary to help people new to a country, understand and navigate the local culture.

This understanding gives learners an advantage when working in or with a foreign country by equipping them with shortcuts on how to work effectively.

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Cultural Competence Starts with Intercultural Consciousness


If you’re a business professional working in an international setting, then you’ll understand the importance placed on cultural competence.

Whether it’s recruitment, promotion or performance development - the need for cultural competence is of increasing importance in business.

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  3397 Hits

Self-Awareness is Key to Cultural Awareness


A common misconception people have of cultural awareness is that it’s about “the other”; that its main focus is learning about other people and how they do and don’t do things.

Although this is certainly part of it, cultural awareness also relies heavily on self-awareness.

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  45170 Hits

2017 -2018 Cross-Cultural Training Trends


With 2017 flying by and 2018 fast approaching, the team at Commisceo Global have decided to share a snapshot of some of the cross-cultural training trends we have witnessed so far this year.

Remember this is only what we have seen as a company, not what the whole cross-cultural training sector is experiencing.

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Cross-Cultural Training Sector Predicted to Grow 15% by 2021

Cross-Cultural Training Sector Predicted to Grow 15% by 2021

The Cross Cultural Training sector is predicted to grow at a compound annual growth rate of just under 15% from 2017-2021.

This growth is due to an increased need for relocation training for expats and online cultural training programmes for international teams. 

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  13033 Hits

10 Very Cool Facts About South Korean Culture

10 Very Cool Facts About South Korean Culture

Discover some of the more unknown aspects of South Korean culture and society!

Sometimes it's the quirky things a country or culture does that really gives us insights into the people.

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Cultural Differences in the Way we Listen


In our previous blogs we examined how cultural differences impact body language and the way we speak - we now turn our attention to a little-known skill we all have yet many forget to utilise!


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  51677 Hits

Poor Understanding of Iran Leading to Cautious Business Approach


It’s nearly a year since the restrictive sanctions imposed on Iran were lifted.

These sanctions were not only applied by the UN, EU and US but also included sanctions from third party countries.

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  5566 Hits