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10 Facts you Need to Know about Songkran!


Visiting Thailand? Then make sure your travels coincide with the three-day Thai new year celebration, known as ‘Songkran’.

Having travelled extensively across South East Asia, Songkran, was by far, the most beautiful festival that I had the fortune to take part in.

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Doing Business in Thailand? 10 Tips on Etiquette You Need to Know


If you are travelling to Thailand for work, then you really need to understand a little about Thai culture first.

Despite its reputation as the Land of Smiles, Thai culture is relatively formal and, if you behave in the wrong manner, people can judge you negatively for failing to show the right decorum.

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Cultural Differences When Working in The USA


Did you know that the USA is one of our most in-demand countries in terms of cross-cultural training?

We support a diverse spectrum of business professionals from across the globe who work with Americans by helping them understand the culture, and specifically the business culture.

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5 Chinese Dining Etiquette Tips You Really Need to Know


Doing business with the Chinese?

If so, then it’s more than likely that food will be involved at some point!

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10 Terrific Cultural Tips on Doing Business in ASEAN Countries


Working in the ASEAN region? Looking for some quick tips on how to do business? Need to know some of the main cultural differences you may come across?

Then this blog is for you!

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10 Ice Cool Cross-Cultural Tips on Doing Business in the Nordics


Are you planning on doing business in the Nordic region? Maybe you already do? Want to learn more about the business culture? Then this blog is for you!

When working in a foreign culture it's essential to understand a bit about the people and how they like to do business.

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Danish Business Culture Ranked Easiest in the World


Danes have every reason to celebrate! The Business Culture Complexity Index™ has ranked Denmark as having the easiest business culture among the top 50 economies of the world.

Let’s discover how this tiny western European country, famous for Lego, butter, bacon and Carlsberg beer, has created a culture, that according to the data, is open, trusting, transparent and open for business!

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How Easy is it to do Business with China?


If you want to know how easy it is to do business with China, then look no further than the Business Culture Complexity Index ™ (BCCI), a tool that provides some great insights for expanding businesses.

The BCCI uses a number of data comparisons to produce a single ‘ease of doing business’ score for the world’s largest 50 economies, culturally speaking that is.

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Cultural Tips on Doing Business in Indonesia


Indonesia is a growing market in a part of the world full of economic promise. As a result, more and more international companies and organisations are investing in the country and sending personnel to work with Indonesians.

In this blog we’ll cover some important tips around Indonesian business culture to help visitors to the country make the best impression possible.

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British Business Culture Ranked 12th Easiest in the World


Culturally speaking, how easy would you say it is to do business with the UK?

Well the Business Culture Complexity Index ™ (BCCI), which assesses the potential complexity of a country's business culture, has just the answer!

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How Should I Address People in Japan?


Whether for business or pleasure, if you’re travelling to Japan, it’s important you know how to address people.

Etiquette is an important part of Japanese culture and getting things wrong could result in you being perceived as rude or ignorant – not a good footing on which to start your trip to Japan.

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Practical Tips on Business Meetings in Chinese Culture


Doing business in China? Then you'll be attending lots of meetings!

If you’re attending meetings in China, then it’s important to understand a little about Chinese culture and how meetings are run.

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How Do Business Meetings Run in The UK?


If you’re travelling to the UK for a business meeting, then be sure to make a good impression by understanding British meeting culture!

A little bit of cultural awareness can go a long way in improving communication and professional relationship building.

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How Do Chinese Names Work?


Wherever you travel in the world, getting someone’s name wrong can be the difference between making a good impression or a bad impression.

If you’re travelling to China on business, it’s important that you take the time to understand the naming structures.

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What’s the Business Culture Like in Japan?


Visiting Japan for business or working with Japanese colleagues?

Then put your best foot forward and make a great impression by understanding Japanese business culture!

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How Does Islam Impact Doing Business in the Middle East?


Are you new to doing business with the Middle East?

Understanding the local culture is critical if you want to succeed.

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Fatalism in Iranian Culture


Work with Iranians or doing business in Iran?

Learning about another culture is much more than learning about dos and donts; it’s about understanding their values and their mindset.

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8 Bonkers Aspects of the British Communication Style


The British communication style can be tricky for some foreigners.

Their complex use of indirect messages, suggestions and insinuation can be confusing.

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Mianzi – The Concept of Face in Chinese Culture


Do you work or do business with the Chinese?

Then you really need to get to grasp the importance of face – mianzi – in Chinese culture.

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What is the Negotiation Style in India?


Want to learn more about negotiations in India?

We'll be giving you some fantastic insights into the Indian negotiation style and how you might need to adapt your approach.

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