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The Essential Guide to Indian Business Etiquette


Manners mean a lot in Indian culture.

If you’re new to working with Indians or planning on a business trip to India, it’s crucial you brush up on your etiquette.

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  22157 Hits

What are Common Stereotypes About India?


A vast and vibrant country, India and Indian culture attract many stereotypes.

Although there might be a little truth in some, very few of these stereotypes are rooted in reality.

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What is the Negotiation Style in India?


Want to learn more about negotiations in India?

We'll be giving you some fantastic insights into the Indian negotiation style and how you might need to adapt your approach.

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  59682 Hits

Three Key Cultural Differences for Indians Working in the USA


Did you know that Indians form the second largest group of immigrants in America, with Mexicans taking the top spot?

Although Indian expats may enter the US with a typically high level of education under their belts and a strong work ethic, they often find cultural differences between the US and India quite a challenge.

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  58578 Hits