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Why do Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Thai People Wear Surgical Masks?


Way before the Coronavirus hit, many people around the world wore fask masks.

Ever wondered why?

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Dealing with Conflict in Iranian Culture


Every culture has its approach to conflict.

In this blog, we’ll be exploring Iranian culture and how the people approach conflict, communication and resolution.

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10 Common Cultural Differences when Working with Americans


Depending on your own culture, working with Americans can be challenging.

When delivering cross-cultural training we get to hear many of the challenges facing professionals when working with Americans.

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10 Cultural Differences Between Japanese and Western Workplaces


Working with the Japanese in a professional capacity can be tough.

For some cultures, such as for Americans, Canadians, Germans, Australians and British, the Japanese culture can seem a little alien.

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How Can I Make a Good Impression in India?


Travelling to India for business and want to make make a good impression?

Then you need to learn a bit about the people, their beliefs, manners and, of course, their culture!

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What are the Main Differences between Saudi Arabia and the UAE?


Many assume the two Arab Gulf countries are alike.

However, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are culturally, politically and socially different in many ways.

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Sabai: Understanding Thai Business Culture Through its Values


Foreigners working in Thailand can misunderstand the local culture in many ways.

Thais tend to be judged against values and standards that are alien to them which leads to their behaviours and actions being seen incorrectly.

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Lèse-majesté: A Cultural Faux Pas and Criminal Offence


When you’re doing business abroad, it’s critical to understand some of the dos and don’ts.

We’re going to look at areas we often cover in cross-cultural training, lèse-majesté.

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How to Deal with 'No' in Chinese Communication Culture


Do you work with the Chinese?

A common challenge many foreigners come across is how to handle the word ‘no’.

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What is the Japanese Negotiation Style?


The Japanese culture can be tricky to understand.

The people have particular ways of doing things, polished over hundreds of years of history, that seem peculiar to the outsider.

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The Importance of Reciprocity in Chinese Business Culture


Do you work with the Chinese?

If so, there are some fundamental cultural concepts you need to be aware of.

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Why is Relationship Building so Important in Indonesian Business Culture?


Ask a business with a successful presence in Indonesia the secret of their success, it’s unlikely they would cite their amazing product or service as the reason.

Although a great product or service is an essential factor in business success for any company expanding overseas, the essential ingredient for success in Indonesia sits firmly upon the ability to navigate and harness Indonesian culture.

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The Essential Guide to Indian Business Etiquette


Manners mean a lot in Indian culture.

If you’re new to working with Indians or planning on a business trip to India, it’s crucial you brush up on your etiquette.

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Doing Business in Brazil? 4 Things About the Culture You Really Need to Know


If you’re new to doing business in Brazil, then this blog is for you.

Before venturing into any new country, it’s crucial to learn about the culture.

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What are 3 Core Values of Canadian Business Culture?


Work with Canadians or doing business in Canada?

In this blog, we're going to explore 3 core values that shape Canadian culture and business.

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What 3 Cultural Differences Should Americans Know When Working with the French?


If you’re from the USA and work with the French, then it’s a good idea to understand the culture.

French people are incredibly proud of their heritage and cultural identity.

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Communication in Italian Business Culture


If you want to understand the Italian communication style, this blog is for you!

We’re going to explore some of the key features of communication in Italian culture.

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5 Cultural Faux Pas to Avoid When Doing Business in Ireland


Working with the Irish?

Then it’s important you make a good impression!

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What Should Foreigners Know About UAE Business Culture?


If you want to succeed in the UAE, you need to understand the culture.

Without an appreciation of how the locals do things, foreigners can get things very wrong.

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3 Aspects of Vietnamese Business Culture You Really Need to Know


Vietnam is booming!

Many foreigners new to the country find the culture difficult to navigate.

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