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Business Practices and Italian Culture


If you’re working with Italians and want to make a good impression, then this blog's for you!

The most valuable thing you can do is to learn about Italian business culture.

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  13712 Hits

Communication in Italian Business Culture


If you want to understand the Italian communication style, this blog is for you!

We’re going to explore some of the key features of communication in Italian culture.

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The Culture of Doing Business in Italy


Travelling to Italy for work or business?

Want to make a good impression?

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Italian Hotel Owner Creates Etiquette 101 for 'Rude Russian Tourists'

Italian Hotel Owner Creates Etiquette 101 for 'Rude Russian Tourists'

Russians have a reputation for being loud and rowdy tourists when they travel abroad.

However, this might soon be a thing of the past as an Italian hotel owner has created an etiquette guide for Russians who are visiting Italy this summer to try and temper their 'uncouth' ways.

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