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Navigating Canadian Business Culture


If you’re new to working with Canadians, then learning a bit about the business culture is essential.

Sometimes, small insights into cultural differences can help us better understand our interactions with other people.

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Three Tips for Doing Business in Canada and Navigating the Culture


If you’re off to Canada on business, then it’s important to make a great impression from the get-go!

Learning about the country, people and their business culture will go a long way in helping you succeed.

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The Canadian Communication Style


How do Canadians communicate?

Well, different cultures communicate in different ways and Canada is no different.

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What are 3 Core Values of Canadian Business Culture?


Work with Canadians or doing business in Canada?

In this blog, we're going to explore 3 core values that shape Canadian culture and business.

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French Waiter Cites Cultural Differences for Being Rude


The following incident provides a great case study for the influence of cultural differences.

Guillaume Rey, a French waiter, was sacked from his job in a Canadian restaurant for being ‘aggressive, rude and disrespectful’

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