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Three Tips for Doing Business in Canada and Navigating the Culture


If you’re off to Canada on business, then it’s important to make a great impression from the get-go!

Learning about the country, people and their business culture will go a long way in helping you succeed.

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  4320 Hits

What are 3 Core Values of Canadian Business Culture?


Work with Canadians or doing business in Canada?

In this blog, we're going to explore 3 core values that shape Canadian culture and business.

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  12825 Hits

Why is Relationship Building so Important in Indonesian Business Culture?


Ask a business with a successful presence in Indonesia the secret of their success, it’s unlikely they would cite their amazing product or service as the reason.

Although a great product or service is an essential factor in business success for any company expanding overseas, the essential ingredient for success in Indonesia sits firmly upon the ability to navigate and harness Indonesian culture.

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  5018 Hits

6 Cultural Differences Every Great Manager Needs to Know About


Managing people from different cultures can be a challenge.

Different viewpoints, needs and expectations can manifest in many ways within multicultural teams.

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  12874 Hits

How Chinese Culture Helped Fight Against the Coronavirus


As COVID-19 continues to spread around the globe, China has claimed relative success in dealing with the virus.

On closer inspection, much of this success comes down to Chinese culture.

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  19320 Hits

10 Common Cultural Differences when Working with Americans


Depending on your own culture, working with Americans can be challenging.

When delivering cross-cultural training we get to hear many of the challenges facing professionals when working with Americans.

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  25024 Hits

Japanese Cultural Values and their Influence on Business


To understand Japanese business culture, it's essential that you first appreciate Japanese cultural values.


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  43944 Hits

Cultural Differences in Values and the Ways We Work


If you work cross-culturally, whether abroad or at home, chances are you have found yourself in a situation whereby you find yourself a little lost with the way people work and/or behave.

Sometimes, this comes down to culture - i.e. differences in values and how this translates into the way someone carries themselves at work.

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  23889 Hits

How do Different Cultural Perspectives Impact Global Mergers and Acquisitions?


Different perspectives = different priorities.

This is true of anything in life and especially in global business.

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  13581 Hits