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How to Sell to Customers from Different Cultures and Countries


Do cultural differences matter in sales?

Well, if you’re looking for the answer to this question, then chances are you already know. It's a yes!

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How Intercultural Awareness Training Helps You Succeed at Work


In the age of information technology, cultural and national boundaries between people are becoming more exposed.

It’s these boundaries that highlight differences in language, culture and approaches to work which, if left unmanaged, can sometimes lead to difficulties.

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  4794 Hits

Online Training – A Democratic Solution?


As cultural trainers, we oversee the delivery of high level cultural training to large multinationals.

The benefits of the training extend beyond the company and help individuals to build skills and awareness which help in the long term.

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  3870 Hits

15 Corporate Training Predictions for 2021

15 Corporate Training Predictions for 2021

For those of you who follow our social media accounts, you would have come across our 15 predictions about business & corporate training for 2021. 

For those that missed them - this is for you!

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  20921 Hits

Seeking Future African Cross Cultural Trainers


Global Training Manager, Caroline, gives some insight into an upcoming train-the-trainer course for business professionals looking to become cultural awareness trainers and coaches.

The 29th September till 1st October 2014 are going to be three very exciting days!

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  12844 Hits

New Soft-Skills Business Training DVD Titles


We no longer sell DVDs.

Please refer to our eLearning courses instead.

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  9071 Hits