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When I'm not hanging out in the beautiful sunshine of Africa, you will find me here sharing content about culture - you'll soon see why I'm called the Culture Vulture.

A Brief Introduction to Buddhism


Did you know that Buddhism, in its natural form, is not a religion?

Rather it is a tradition that focuses on personal spiritual development.

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A Brief Introduction to Bahai


Did you know that the Bahai faith is the youngest independent religion of the word?

Yes it's true!

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15 Corporate Training Predictions for 2021

15 Corporate Training Predictions for 2021

For those of you who follow our social media accounts, you would have come across our 15 predictions about business & corporate training for 2021. 

For those that missed them - this is for you!

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The Fall of the Berlin Wall and Germany Today

The Fall of the Berlin Wall and Germany Today

Understanding a country's past helps you understand its present.

Kathinka gives her viewpoint on the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall; a physical and symbolic wall that shaped the Cold War and today still influences German culture.

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Women in Export and Doing Business in the Far East

Women in Export and Doing Business in the Far East

As part of the 2014 Export Week, Commisceo trainer Joyce Jenkins was invited to speak at UK Trade and Investment’s (UKTI) Women in Export event.

UKTI offers its services to UK based companies seeking to expand their business overseas, providing expert advice and practical support for exporting into foreign markets and understanding overseas business practices.

Their Master Class, held at Gatwick on the 13th of November, dealt with the challenges faced by women when exporting, with a particular focus on doing business in the Far East.

In addition to gaining a better understanding of the role UKTI can play in assisting companies in exporting, attendees heard from representatives of women-led businesses who had overcome barriers to trade in this region. Victoria Christian, Global Brand Ambassador for luxury goods producer Clive Christian, along with Claire Selby, Managing Director of educational materials producer Yellow House English Ltd., spoke about their respective experiences entering markets in the Far East.

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Why is Etiquette so Important When Doing Business Abroad?

Why is Etiquette so Important When Doing Business Abroad?

Would you drink fermented mare’s milk with your new potential Mongolian business partners to seal a deal?

Or would you politely decline?

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The Culture Map: A Great New Book on Cross Cultural Communication


Working with people from different cultures is becoming increasingly more common; however it can also give rise to challenges.

Thankfully, Erin Meyer has recently published a book that provides a framework on how different cultures across the globe view communication at work.

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What can French and German Movie Trailers Can Teach Us About Cultural Differences?


What can movie trailers teach us about cultural differences in advertising and marketing?

A lot argues interculturalist, Désirée Gergen.

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How Cultural Differences Impact Interior Design

How Cultural Differences Impact Interior Design

Culture impacts almost everything we do - including interior design! 

As such, regardless of the business we work in, one should always be aware of cultural differences. 

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Does Cultural Diversity Make You Smarter?


Being surrounded by other cultures can bring a great deal of benefits.

New research has shown that living in a culturally diverse community can even make you smarter!

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Seeking Future African Cross Cultural Trainers


Global Training Manager, Caroline, gives some insight into an upcoming train-the-trainer course for business professionals looking to become cultural awareness trainers and coaches.

The 29th September till 1st October 2014 are going to be three very exciting days!

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Italian Hotel Owner Creates Etiquette 101 for 'Rude Russian Tourists'

Italian Hotel Owner Creates Etiquette 101 for 'Rude Russian Tourists'

Russians have a reputation for being loud and rowdy tourists when they travel abroad.

However, this might soon be a thing of the past as an Italian hotel owner has created an etiquette guide for Russians who are visiting Italy this summer to try and temper their 'uncouth' ways.

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Cultural Differences in Values and the Ways We Work


If you work cross-culturally, whether abroad or at home, chances are you have found yourself in a situation whereby you find yourself a little lost with the way people work and/or behave.

Sometimes, this comes down to culture - i.e. differences in values and how this translates into the way someone carries themselves at work.

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How do Cultural Differences Impact Company Security?


We love to look at different takes on cultural differences.

Understanding culture, and how it impacts your business, isnt just about dos and dont's.

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New Management Book on How to Deal with Different Cultures


Recently, expert on global leadership, Erin Meyer, published a new book that aims to help managers lead global teams.

By using an eight-scale framework, team leaders can guide their teams to a more effective method of working.

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Lessons from the World Cup - Coaching your Way to Success

Lessons from the World Cup - Coaching your Way to Success

It was all over the news, on the radio, on TV all day, finally…. the World Cup has started!

Football is an excellent example demonstrating how culture impacts life and business.

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Cultural Differences Originate from Different Farming Methods


According to new research, the cultural divide between the West and the East can be explained by the type of farming methods used between the regions.

As rice requires more human labour, researchers say it’s no wonder that people in the East are more interdependent.

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What is the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development?


In 2001, the UN General Assembly declared May 21st to the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development due to UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity in the same year.

This day is dedicated to enhance our understanding of values of cultural divergence and raise awareness for cultural differences for a better collaboration around the world.

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Cultural Differences in Facial Expressions


Recent studies on facial expressions have destroyed any suggestions that facial expressions convey the same emotions or meanings all over the world.

In an article on Al Jazeera America, Matthew Hutson states that when it comes to facial expressions, the general assumption is that people all over the world express the same emotion with the same facial expression.

However, according to Hutson, a number of psychologists have recently refuted this view.

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How is Easter Celebrated Around the World?


Easter is nearly upon us and will be celebrated across the world!

Here in the UK we have seen chocolate eggs of all sorts on our market shelves for weeks.

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