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When I'm not hanging out in the beautiful sunshine of Africa, you will find me here sharing content about culture - you'll soon see why I'm called the Culture Vulture.

Awesome Online Database of Cultural Differences

Awesome Online Database of Cultural Differences

Culture-Geeks Will Love This!

I’ve recently come across a totally awesome database – it’s a treasure trove of statistical information about cultures, societies, language, places and environments; something I thought I had to share with my fellow culture vultures.

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Where Will UK-based Businesses Go post-Brexit?


Will we see a business brain drain?

Britain’s impending exit from the EU has rallied a host of cries from its European brethren, encouraging businesses to continue accessing European skills and resources by relocating elsewhere.

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Mindfulness and Cultural Awareness


‘Mindfulness’ is an increasingly common term.

We hear it bandied around by ‘celebs’ who have discovered mindfulness meditation as the means to a stress free life and we have heard the term used by people who try to practice ‘living in the moment’ whilst shrugging off stresses of the past or unrealised anxieties of the future.

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Cross Cultural Communication & PR


The Public Relations (PR) industry is responsible for creating and maintaining relationships between clients and customers.

Through areas such as brand management, advertising, media relations and crisis management, PR practitioners seek to foster interest, trust and belief in a product or company.

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How Do Cultural Differences Impact International Retail?


Looking for case studies of cultural issues in the retail sector?

In this article, we look at some examples from the retail industry where cultural differences or cultural issues have resulted in business success and failure.

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Cultural Differences in International Merger and Acquisitions

Cultural Differences in International Merger and Acquisitions

How does Culture make or break international M&A?

In today’s global economy more people are paying attention to the impact of culture on the international business environment.

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Guanxi: The Chinese Cultural Concept


"Guanxi" (pronounced (jwan-see) is one of the most powerful forces in Chinese culture.

Though the direct translation of "guanxi" is "relationships", the concept as it is used and applied in Chinese culture is much richer and encompassing.

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Status and Cultural Differences


Status exists in all societies but varies in fundamental ways.

Did you know there are cross cultural differences in the way people perceive status, gain status and react to status?

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Results of Poor Cross Cultural Awareness

Results of Poor Cross Cultural Awareness

Having a poor understanding of the influence of cross cultural differences in areas such as management, PR, advertising and negotiations can lead to cultural blunders with potentially damaging consequences.

It is crucial for today's business personnel to understand the impact of cross cultural differences on business, trade and internal company organisation.

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How Does Leadership Differ Across Cultures?


"Education is the mother of leadership." Wendell Willkie

With the march of globalisation and internationalisation growing louder and stronger, few successful businesses can now escape the need to work across cultures.

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What Skills Are Essential for Managers Today?


The role of a manager is evolving in response to the needs of companies operating on the international stage.

The complexities of globalisation and international systems require today's manager to adapt in order to offer modern solutions to modern problems.

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Intercultural Management and Business Communication


'The art of communication is the language of leadership' James Humes

Today's businesses are complex entities. However, one fundamental principle of success remains constant - the need for communication.

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Intercultural Training and the Iceberg Model


Many people ask, "What is culture?" 

How can it be defined? What analogies can be used to describe it?

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How Do I Improve My Intercultural Communication Skills?


We live in an increasingly complex world.

One element of this complexity is the mixing of different cultures, languages and faiths.

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10 Simple Tips to Enhance Intercultural Communication


Working across cultures is a new experience for many people. 

Intercultural communication can be a dynamic and creative affair but occasionally due to the inability to interpret people correctly it can be a challenge.

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What are the Stages of Culture Shock for People Moving Abroad?


'Culture shock' is used to describe the emotional rollercoaster that someone experiences when living in a new country.

Anyone that has worked and lived in a foreign country will experience culture shock of some sort.

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Why do we Need Cultural Sensitivity in International Business?


Businesses who ignore cultural and language differences, do so at their peril! 

In this article, we'll explore some real life examples of the reasons why cultural sensitivity is so important and the damage caused when businesses ignoture culture.

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Why is Cultural Awareness so Vital in the Multicultural Workplace?


"Understand the differences; act on the commonalities." - Andrew Masondo, African National Congress

The nature of our workplaces has changed.

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Why do Exporters Need to Understand Language and Culture?


Globalisation, internationalisation and trans-border trade are all terms that have been coined over the past decade(s) to reflect the reality of international trade.

Although international trade has long been in operation, the scale, frequency and speed at which it is conducted today is incomparable.

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The 10 Best Cross Cultural Marketing Blunders


Cultural differences have a long and rich history of ruining marketing campaigns!

Although a little cruel, cross cultural marketing fails are a humorous means of understanding the impact poor cultural awareness can have when selling or working abroad.

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