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When I'm not hanging out in the beautiful sunshine of Africa, you will find me here sharing content about culture - you'll soon see why I'm called the Culture Vulture.

What are Some Examples International Business Blunders?

What are Some Examples International Business Blunders?

Looking for examples of cultural blunders when companies have ventured abroad?

Then you are in the right place!

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How Do I Give Presentations to Audiences from Different Cultures?


Do you want some advice on giving presentations abroad or to multicultural audiences?

Then you are in exactly the right place!

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Cross Cultural Negotiations in International Business


Are you involved in negotiations with people from other countries and cultures?

Do you sometimes get confused with the negotiation process?

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How do Cultural Differences Impact Job Interviews?


At this moment in time, the increase in cross border human traffic has meant that companies are no longer dealing with a homogenous native community from which they recruit their staff.

Companies are now facing cross cultural challenges in how they recruit, manage and develop a multi-cultural staff base.

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Culture in Advertising


How does culture impact the world of advertising?

Well, as with any sector, it's definetly not immune to it.

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The Basics of Business Meeting Etiquette


Business etiquette is essentially about building relationships with colleagues, clients or customers.

In the business world, it is these people that can influence your success or failure.

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Business Card Etiquette Abroad


When doing business abroad it is important to understand the local culture.

Culture includes areas such as a country's norms, values, behaviours, food, architecture, fashion and art.

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What are the Benefits of Intercultural Training?


Intercultural training has become of increasing importance in the past 10 years.

Companies and organizations that are working on the international stage are starting to realise that working in or with foreign countries is not like working at home.

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What are the Different Approaches to Cultural Awareness Training?


There are many approaches to cultural awareness training.

Some sum these up as 'heavy' and 'light' approaches. What does this mean and how does it apply to business training?

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How do Cultural Differences Impact Autism?


When learning about culture, really we are learning to look beyond surface deep.

Cutural awareness you could argue is about possibilities not limits.

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What are the Employment and Career Opportunities with Foreign Languages?


Many people love learning languages or would like to learn a language and use their language skills in a job.

In today's global economy the demand for language skills continues to grow as governments, businesses and organisations build relationships with foreign interests.

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A Brief Introduction to Zoroastrianism


Did you know that Zoroastrianism is one the oldest religions in the world?

If you're looking for more facts and a quick intro to the religion of Zoroaster, then you're in the right place!

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A Brief Introduction to Sikhism


Looking for information on the religion of Sikhism?

Then that's exactly what we've got for you!

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A Brief Introduction to Shinto


Want to learn about the religion of Shinto?

Well, we're going to give you a great into to everything you need to know!

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A Brief Introduction to Rastafarianism


Want to learn more about the religion of the Rastas?

Well, you're in the right place!

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A Brief Introduction to Judaism


Want to learn the basics about Judaism?

Welcome to our quick intro to the religion of the Jews!

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A Brief Introduction to Jainism


Welcome to our quick intro to the religion of Jainism.

In it you'll learn some of the basics around the religion.

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A Brief Introduction to Islam

A Brief Introduction to Islam

Did you know that the word 'Islam' means submission to Allah’s will?

A 'Muslim' is one who submits to Allah’s will and, as a result, is at peace.

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A Brief Introduction to Hinduism


Hinduism is a religion that originated in the Indian subcontinent.

Purists refer to it more as Sanātana Dharma (the eternal path/law) rather than a religion, as it is believed to be a virtuous way of life.

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A Brief Introduction to Christianity


Christianity, at the moment, is the largest world religion.

It has over 2 billion followers, who classify themselves under 34,000 different denominations.

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