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Being Clueless about UAE Culture Won’t Protect You from Punishment


A survey by the UAE’s security magazine, 999, has shown that most expatriates visiting the UAE are doing so while blind to UAE cultural customs and traditions.

Seven out of ten of the 2,000 expatriates included in the survey claimed to not understand local Emirati culture and traditions.

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What Important Business Skills Can You Learn from Cross Cultural Training?


With it being called 'cultural awareness training', 'cultural competence training' or 'cross-cultural training', anyone would think that these types of training courses are all about culture.

Well, you wouldn't be wrong.

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Nominication – How Alcohol Helps Communication in Japanese Business Culture


 Doing business or working in Japan can be tough for foreigners.

The cultural differences can be vast and it takes a while to get used to how the Japanese like to do things.

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10 Facts you Need to Know about Songkran!


Visiting Thailand? Then make sure your travels coincide with the three-day Thai new year celebration, known as ‘Songkran’.

Having travelled extensively across South East Asia, Songkran, was by far, the most beautiful festival that I had the fortune to take part in.

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Cultural Differences and the Acquisition of Japanese Companies


The global nature of commerce means today's businesses are always looking for opportunities outside of their domestic markets.

Acquiring, or merging with, a foreign company is a common way to achieve this.

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What Can Google Search Teach Us About UAE Culture?


Google Search Engine data provides a fantastic window into the cultures of different countries by giving us an insight into online searches.

By understanding what people within that country or culture are searching for, we can start to appreciate the topics and concerns that bind them together.

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Self-Awareness is Key to Cultural Awareness


A common misconception people have of cultural awareness is that it’s about “the other”; that its main focus is learning about other people and how they do and don’t do things.

Although this is certainly part of it, cultural awareness also relies heavily on self-awareness.

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What does Google Search Data tell us about Culture in Saudi Arabia?


For those of you interested in the Saudi people and culture, Google Search Engine data is a great starting point.

By looking at what people in Saudi Arabia are searching for online, you can establish a good understanding of what’s important to the Saudi people and, from this, draw inferences about the culture and life in Saudi Arabia.

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Carlos Ghosn: A Lesson in Leadership and Cultural Differences


Every now and again the business world hands the cross-cultural training world some great examples of cultural difference in action!

One such case study is that of Carlos Ghosn, ex-CEO of the Japanese car giant, Nissan.

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British Culture Still Dictates Social Standing Through 'Class'


Like it or not, British culture is still rooted in the class system.

Despite increased multiculturalism and economic growth eroding class consciousness a little, under the surface and, class still creates a big gap in UK society.

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What are the Biggest Causes of Intercultural Conflict?

What are the Biggest Causes of Intercultural Conflict?

 Working across cultures is rapidly becoming the norm for most people across the world.

As a result, intercultural conflict is also becoming more common. 

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Is the Accorhotels CEO Ignorant of Saudi Culture?

Is the Accorhotels CEO Ignorant of Saudi Culture?

Saudi Arabia is on a mission to diversify its economy and reduce its reliance on oil revenue.

As part of this, they are looking to become a global tourist destination – something that their UAE neighbours, particularly, Dubai, have accomplished to great effect.

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Cultural Differences When Working in The USA


Did you know that the USA is one of our most in-demand countries in terms of cross-cultural training?

We support a diverse spectrum of business professionals from across the globe who work with Americans by helping them understand the culture, and specifically the business culture.

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Are American and Iranian Cultures Really So Different?

Are American and Iranian Cultures Really So Different?

Once again, tensions between America and Iran are high; inspiring the usual flurry of media accounts keen to elaborate on the cultural and political differences between the two countries.

While, in the West, we depict the USA as ‘free’ and democratic, Iran, is typically reported as oppressive, authoritarian and in the grips of ‘crazed’ mullahs.

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5 Chinese Dining Etiquette Tips You Really Need to Know


Doing business with the Chinese?

If so, then it’s more than likely that food will be involved at some point!

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Homosexuality in Traditional Asian Culture


With Taiwan the first country in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the acceptance of homosexuality was new to Asian culture.

However, homosexuality was generally an accepted part of the culture in many Asian countries until the West introduced its puritanical Christian religious ideology and played an influential role in bringing an end to the long-standing traditions in this part of the world.

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What is an Example of Cultural Differences in Business?


There is no better way to understand the impact of cultural differences upon business than to look at real-life examples.

No matter what business, sector or market you are in, if you deal with people from different cultures, then cultural difference is going to impact what you do somewhere, somehow.

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Why Do Middle Eastern Men Wear a Chequered Headdress?


A common question foreigners moving to or working in the Middle East ask at cultural awareness training sessions is, "Why do the men wear the headdress?"

Great question!

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What's An Example of a Cultural Faux Pas?


Have you heard the story about the French student keeping money in his shoe?

Well, then we’re going to tell you a true story about a young French student called Victor who travelled to Thailand.

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Supermodel Accused of Racism Over Cultural Faux Pas


Did you hear about the supermodel, the airport lounge and the cultural faux pas that caused uproar in Saudi Arabia and the UAE?

No? Well, this is a great little example of culture gone wrong!

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