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What Can Google Search Teach Us About Indian Culture?


Google Search Engine data provides a fantastic window into the cultures of different countries by giving us insights into popular online searches.

By understanding what people within that country or culture are searching for, we can start to appreciate the topics and concerns that bind them together.

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  9260 Hits

What does Google Search Data tell us about Culture in Saudi Arabia?


For those of you interested in the Saudi people and culture, Google Search Engine data is a great starting point.

By looking at what people in Saudi Arabia are searching for online, you can establish a good understanding of what’s important to the Saudi people and, from this, draw inferences about the culture and life in Saudi Arabia.

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  11884 Hits

What Can Google Search Teach Us About UAE Culture?


Google Search Engine data provides a fantastic window into the cultures of different countries by giving us an insight into online searches.

By understanding what people within that country or culture are searching for, we can start to appreciate the topics and concerns that bind them together.

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  12932 Hits

Cultural Awareness and Maps: How to Offend a Nation


Maps are a great source of information – but they can also become points of contention as maps, by their very nature, draw political, cultural and historical boundaries.

When these boundaries are incorrect it can lead to negative consequences.

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  14517 Hits