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When I'm not hanging out in the beautiful sunshine of Africa, you will find me here sharing content about culture - you'll soon see why I'm called the Culture Vulture.

How to Shake Hands with the Japanese


Shaking hands is common in Japanese culture.

However, it is not a habit that’s native to them - meaning there are some cultural differences.

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The 5 Pillars of High Performing Multicultural Teams


Working in culturally diverse teams is becoming more common.

Communicating and collaborating across time zones, languages and cultures can be challenging.

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The Culture of Time in the Arab World


Cultures experience time in different ways.

When working across cultures, this can cause problems.

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Business Practices and Italian Culture


If you’re working with Italians and want to make a good impression, then this blog's for you!

The most valuable thing you can do is to learn about Italian business culture.

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The Business of Meetings in French Culture


Doing business with the French?

Then you’ll be attending plenty of meetings!

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What are Some Experiences of Working in a Multicultural Team?


If you’ve worked in a well-managed, multicultural team, then you’ll know it can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

In fact, high functioning, multicultural teams can be more productive, more creative and – on the whole, more successful than monocultural teams!

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Preventing Conflict in Global Virtual Teams


Are you part of a virtual team?

Do you have colleagues all over the world?

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How to Make a Good Impression when Doing Business with the Chinese


Working with the Chinese?

Then you need to make a good impression from the get-go!

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The Canadian Communication Style


How do Canadians communicate?

Well, different cultures communicate in different ways and Canada is no different.

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10 Taboos to Avoid When Doing Business in India


Indian culture is colourful and complex.

For those new to the country, it’s important to learn the rules around behaviour.

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What is Cross Cultural Training?

What is Cross Cultural Training?

'Culturally aware' professionals have a distinct advantage over their peers.

International businesses increasingly cite Cultural Competence as a core requirement during the recruitment process.

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Culture Shock in Brazil: A Foreigner’s Guide to Doing Business


Big, beautiful Brazil!

For many foreigners doing business in the country for the first time, it can be a bit overwhelming!

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Cultural Competence and the Ability to Adapt


Working across cultures means adapting to differences.

Those unwilling, or unable to, usually find that things can get tough.

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How Do I Become More Culturally Aware?


Before we answer this question, here’s one for you!

How do you know that you are not already culturally aware?

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A Case Study in the Business Culture of Saudi Arabia


Case studies are a great way of learning.

Especially so when it comes to exploring cultural differences in business.

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3 Aspects of Vietnamese Business Culture You Really Need to Know


Vietnam is booming!

Many foreigners new to the country find the culture difficult to navigate.

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Communication in Malaysian Business Culture


New to working with Malaysians?

One thing you need to get right from the get-go is how to communicate with care.

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What Should Foreigners Know About UAE Business Culture?


If you want to succeed in the UAE, you need to understand the culture.

Without an appreciation of how the locals do things, foreigners can get things very wrong.

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3 Simple Steps to Building a Culturally Competent Virtual Team


Working in global virtual teams can be tough.

It’s common for teams to face all sorts of challenges, whether different time zones or languages.

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5 Cultural Faux Pas to Avoid When Doing Business in Ireland


Working with the Irish?

Then it’s important you make a good impression!

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