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How to Adapt Training & Learning for a Global Workforce


One of the effects of globalisation is that global brands are typically (and unavoidably) geographically spread.

Employing a global workforce is essential in today’s hypercompetitive marketplace.

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Gamification and Cultural Differences


Playing games at work?

From the work floor to education, gamification is becoming more and more common in a lot of areas.

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Cultural Tips to Make Exporting to Japan and China a Success!


Do you export?

AstraZeneca's Stuart Anderson offers some insights into the importance of understanding and adapting to the local culture in order to maximise success.

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Understanding Culture when Marketing to the Hispanic and Latino Community


Did you know that the buying power of Hispanic consumers has increased  by 212%, to $1.5 trillian this decade (2010 -2020)?

Hispanic now account for 1/6 of American consumers, making this community a valuable prospect.

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  18618 Hits