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Cross Cultural Awareness Quizzes & Assessments
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10 quick questions on doing business in Brazil - how well do you think you know Brazilian business culture?

There is no time limit. The pass mark is 80%.


1. What language should you translate one side of your business card into if you were serious about business in Brazil?





2. Which of these is probably the most important factor to bear in mind when doing business in Brazil?

Brazilians are very wary of foreigners

Business is only really done with people they like and trust

Brazilians take a very relaxed approach to business

3. During negotiations which tactic is best to try and push through a deal?

Apply pressure through a deadline

Display some anger and frustration

Invest more time outside the negotiation in relationship building

4. When negotiating in Brazil it's a good idea to always inflate your initial price.

5. A good way to enter the Brazilian business scene is via a local 'middle man' who works on your behalf to create connections. What is this person called locally?




6. What is the capital city of Brazil?

Sao Paulo


Rio de Janeiro

7. When disagreeing with people in a business setting you should....

Be blunt and express your feelings openly

Wait until you can speak to that person on their own

Speak to that person's senior to express your opinion

8. If you were to get straight down to business at an initial meeting, this would be seen as aggressive.

9. Interruptions, whether that's conversations or meetings, are considered rude.

10. Which of one of these should you avoid if doing business in Brazil?

Initially using first names

Eye Contact

Asking about family

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