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Cross Cultural Awareness Quizzes & Assessments
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  • +44 0330 027 0207
  • +1 (818) 532-6908

How much do you know about different cultures, their beliefs, taboos, manners and etiquette? Try out these 20 True or False quiz questions on different nationalities and religions.

The pass score is 80%! There is no time limit.


1. In Australia, many people believe it’s rude to sit in the back of a taxi. You should sit upfront with the driver.


2. In India, it is impolite to ask someone how much they earn.

3. Eating with your left hand is taboo in many Muslim countries.

[option1/] TRUE
[option2/] FALSE

4. The feet are considered holy in Thai culture.

5. The “OK” gesture (a circle of the first finger and thumb) is considered vulgar in Brazil.



6. In Kazakh culture, the most honoured guest at a dinner will receive the head of a ram which is then passed around the other guests.

7. In Saudi Arabia, wearing sandals in public is frowned upon.

8. Tattoos are seen as taboo to many practising Jews.

9. Dropping your chopsticks is bad luck in China.

10. In Turkey, men greet each other with kisses on the cheek.

[option1/] TRUE
[option2/] FALSE

11. It is considered polite to reject gifts in Nigerian culture.

12. Norwegians always stand up when someone else walks into the room.

13. It is rude to eat hot food on public transport in the UK.

14. The Japanese tend not to point. Instead, they wave their hand toward the object being indicated.

15. In Indonesia, patting people on the head is a sign of friendship.

16. When in a bar or pub, the Irish believe it’s good manners to just buy drinks for yourself rather for the group you are with.

17. Giving alcohol as a gift is acceptable in the Baha’i religion.

18. Arriving late to a dinner party is acceptable in Mexico.

19. In Native American culture, when eating, children and young adults are served by the elders who always eat last.

20. Leaving your hair uncut is an essential practice in the Sikh religion.

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