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Cross Cultural Awareness Quizzes & Assessments
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How successful would you be selling to foreign cultures? See how you get on with these 10 multiple choice quiz questions on international and cross-cultural sales.

The pass score is 80% - no time limit.


1. Generally speaking, which negotiation style do you think would be more successful in the USA?



2. Generally speaking, which do you think would be perceived more positively by buyers in China?

Age and experience
Newness and novelty

3. How do you think more hierarchical cultures would perceive the relationship between the ‘buyer’ (the prospective client) and the ‘seller’ (you)?

More of a vendor
More of a partner

4. A Sales Manager from the UK was trying to sell their services into the South Korean market. Despite numerous messages via Linked In to prospects, none of them even replied, let alone buy anything. Why do you think this happened?

Social Media isn’t a trusted means of finding new business partners in Korean business culture
South Korea’s IT infrastructure is poor, meaning most business professionals don’t use Social Media

5. If you were visiting Ghana on a sales trip, which of the below would you say is bad advice?

Make sure you are meeting with decision-makers otherwise progress will be very slow
Make sure you go prepared with legal contracts otherwise, you will not be taken seriously

6. Which of these is common when negotiating in the Middle East?

Personal distance

7. If you were selling to potential prospects in Italy, which would you focus on initially?

Proving professional credibility and competence
Building personal rapport and trust

8. Which 3 countries do you think would be more comfortable with ‘risk’ during the decision-making process?


9. Which 2 of these countries do you think would prioritize ‘time’ more in their decision-making process?

The UK
Saudi Arabia

10. Which piece of advice might you offer to someone new to selling in the Czech Republic?

Tone down any humour and try to stay very professional at all times
Don’t go into meetings and pitches too formal as it gives a really bad impression

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