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Cross Cultural Management Guide for Bahrain


The information offered below is for managers who want to learn more about the management style and business culture of Bahrain.

It provides some useful information for managers who are relocating to the country for employment as well as those who may have Bahraini employees in their global or multicultural teams.

Topics include:

  • Hierarchy
  • Face
  • Leadership style
  • Time and scheduling
  • Communication style
  • Negotiation

Management in Bahrain

The management style in Bahrain and other Arab Gulf countries is influenced by cultural values, business norms and local traditions. However, it is important to note that management styles can vary greatly between organizations, industries, and even individuals depending on the industry.

  • The business culture in Bahrain is conservative and successful managers will understand the importance of maintaining a degree of formality.
  • Respect for authority is an important cultural value in the Arab Gulf region.
  • Managers are expected to be respected and their decisions are not usually questioned by subordinates.
  • It is essential to defer to older people and those in senior positions by treating them with the utmost respect.
  • Cultural sensitivity and understanding of the impact of Islam on business practices are essential. 
  • Appearances are extremely important so always wear good-quality conservative clothes and stay in a high-standard international hotel.
  • Never do anything that would embarrass a Bahraini in the eyes of bystanders; status is important and you would be wise to flatter your business colleagues frequently.
  • The Bahrain business community is relatively small and your behaviour can quickly become public knowledge so 'face' is extremely important.
  • Once a relationship has developed, it will last a lifetime but, equally, if you damage a relationship through poor conduct then your reputation may suffer on a broader basis.
  • Foreign managers will be more effective with an understanding of the individual roles and existing hierarchy.
  • Employees do not question the decisions that have been reached.
  • Managers or those in a position to do so will make decisions, while in general their subordinates will wait to be told what to do.
  • Managers in Bahrain and other Arab Gulf countries are often seen as paternalistic figures who take care of their subordinates' well-being.
  • This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as providing employees with benefits like housing, health insurance, and education for their children.

Approach to Change

Bahrain’s appetite for risk is low. What does this mean for managers?

  • Bahrain is a low-change-tolerant culture so new ideas, concepts and projects will be carefully analyzed to assure that whatever risk they represent is thoroughly understood and addressed.
  • In order for change to take hold, the idea needs to be perceived as good for the group as a whole and not just for particular individuals.
  • As such, agreement to proceed with change needs to be made collectively by the group.
  • It is also important that you are sensitive to the role of failure on your Bahraini counterparts. 
  • Although failure may be perceived positively as a learning opportunity outside of Bahrain, inside Bahrain, this is not the case and both the individual and the group, of which they are a member, may be negatively impacted. 

Time and Priorities

Bahrainis typically take a fairly fluid and flexible approach to deadlines and timescales. How might this manifest at work?

  • Bahrainis often value and prioritise relationships over deadlines. 
  • As such, you may find that your counterparts don't want to upset others in order to force adherence to a deadline.
  • Things generally take longer than expected since meetings are routinely interrupted by phone calls, or, people popping into the meeting room for an unrelated discussion.
  • Again, this relates to the priority placed on individual relationships.  A manager is unlikely, for example, to tell someone with whom they have a relationship to go away and wait until they have finished their meeting. 
  • As such, several meetings may be required to do what could be handled by a phone call in other working cultures.
  • When working with people from Bahrain, it’s advisable to reinforce the importance of the agreed-upon deadlines and the way in which delivery might benefit the rest of the organization.
  • Increased global working means some local managers may understand and appreciate the importance of adherence to schedules and deadlines.

Decision Making

Decision-making styles vary but on the whole, a manager is seen as being responsible for final decisions. Some managers try to create consensus around decisions, while others might take a more single-minded approach, relying on their expertise. 

  • Decisions are reached slowly and patience is essential in the region.
  • Once a decision is reached, it is typically handed down to subordinates to implement.
  • Employees typically do not question the decisions that have been reached.
  • Managers or those in a position to do so will typically make decisions, while in general, their subordinates will wait to be told what to do.
  • Risk-taking is limited to those in decision-making positions.
  • Who you know is often more important than what you know in this relationship-driven culture.
  • Having the right contacts helps move business along at a more rapid pace. 

Boss or Team Player?

If you are working in Bahrain, it is important to understand that honour and reputation play an important role:

  • Building strong relationships is crucial in Arab Gulf business culture.
  • Managers are expected to cultivate personal relationships with their subordinates and peers, which can help build trust and foster loyalty.
  • It's critically important that you do not criticise anyone publicly, put them into a situation that embarrasses them or cause them to feel shame or upset. 
  • Damaging your counterpart's feeling of honour will destroy trust and, ultimately, lower others' opinions of you. 
  • The risk becomes amplified in a team or collaborative setting.
  • If you would like to encourage participation it is important first to clearly establish a non-threatening work environment and communicate fully that team-member participation is desired.
  • Treat all contributions with respect - even if they are off the mark. 

Communication and Negotiation Styles

The communication style in Bahrain is often indirect and polite, with an emphasis on building personal relationships and avoiding conflict. Nonverbal cues, such as tone of voice and body language, can be just as important as the words spoken.

  • The Bahrainis are skilled negotiators who view high-pressure sales tactics as offensive.
  • There is a tendency to avoid giving bad news or to do so indirectly.
  • It is also common to give flowery acceptances, which may only mean "perhaps".
  • Be aware that 'yes' doesn't always mean 'yes' - it may in fact mean 'no'. 
  • If you change the lead negotiator, negotiations will start over so the Bahrainis can develop a personal relationship with this person.
  • Bahrainis do not require as much personal space as most N. European & American cultures.
  • As such, they will stand close to you while conversing and you may feel as if your personal space has been violated.
  • Do not back away, as your business colleague will attempt to close the gap between the two of you and you may find yourself backed up against a wall.

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