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Cross Cultural Management Guide for Senegal­­­­

The insights below are for managers who want to learn more about the management style and business culture of Senegal.

Our guide provides some useful information for managers who are relocating to the country for employment as well as those who may have Senegalese employees in their global or multicultural teams.

Topics include:

  • Hierarchy
  • Leadership style
  • Time and scheduling 
  • Communication style
  • Negotiation

Being a Manager in Senegal

To ensure successful management in Senegal, it is essential to conduct business formally and to remain courteous at all times.

  • Business is conducted more readily after a personal relationship has developed.
  • Therefore, the Senegalese spend a great deal of time getting to know their business associates.
  • If you do not know someone in the Senegalese business community, you may want to check with your embassy in Senegal, the Senegalese embassy in your country, trade organizations, or international banks or accounting firms to locate someone to handle this important role.
  • Hierarchy is important in Senegal.
  • At the same time, it is important not to be overt about your wealth and possessions as this may remind businesspeople of their former colonizers.

The Role of a Manager

Employees generally believe that their supervisors have been chosen because they have more experience and greater knowledge.

  • As in other hierarchical cultures, managers often adopt a paternalistic attitude to their employees.
  • They may demonstrate a concern for employees that goes beyond the workplace and strictly professional concerns.

Approach to Change

Like many West African countries, the tolerance for risk and change changes by the level of the person involved.

  • Lower-level employees, who have little power, also have limited tolerance for risk.
  • Higher-level employees can take greater risks, albeit they may also only make changes slowly after considerable thought, planning and evaluation.
  • The fear of appearing foolish may lead to the need to thoroughly examine every implication before reaching a decision and will require some cultural sensitivity.

Approach to Time and Priorities

Senegal is very relaxed with its attitude towards schedules and timelines.

  • The Senegalese are often overly optimistic when agreeing to schedules and deadlines since they prefer to say what they would like to see occur rather than what will occur.
  • Since they do not want to disappoint you, they may agree to a deadline that is impossible.
  • Patience is a necessary attribute of working in Senegal.

Decision Making

Business is hierarchical. Managers tell subordinates what they want to be done and how they expect them to perform the task in the manner outlined. Employees follow a manager’s instructions without comment and expect to be given explicit instructions.

  • You should remember never to chastise or criticize an employee publicly.
  • When providing criticism, even under the guise of helpfulness, understand that employees are not comfortable with the concept of constructive criticism.
  • In fact, they are not comfortable with unpleasant discussions.
  • It is better to allow a trusted Senegalese to have the discussion for you.

Boss or Team Player?

The Senegalese enjoy working in teams and often collaborate quite effectively across hierarchical lines.

  • The communication within a team is generally collegial, with everyone remaining polite and striving to reach a harmonious solution.
  • The effective manager will effectively harness the talent of the group and develop any resulting synergies.
  • The leader will be deferred to as the final authority in any decisions that are made, but they do not dominate the discussion or generation of ideas.
  • Praise should be given to the entire group as well as to individuals.

Communication and Negotiation Styles

The Senegalese are indirect communicators, who use a lot of proverbs, sayings, analogies and metaphors when speaking. Relationships and face are also important meaning people are careful about what they say and to who, especially if what they have to say is delicate in nature.

  • Do not expect to start business discussions immediately.
  • Allow time for social exchanges and pleasantries.
  • Companies are hierarchical.
  • Ultimate decision-making often rests with the CEO and decisions are reached slowly.
  • If you try to rush things, you will give offense and risk your business relationship.
  • Controlling your temper is imperative in this culture.

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