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4 Aspects of Korean Business Etiquette You Really Need to Know


When working abroad, it’s crucial to make a good impression.

Presenting yourself well and demonstrating good manners make all the difference.

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6 Tips on Working Successfully with Freelancers Around the World


Do you work with freelancers?

Are they from countries around the world?

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What 3 Cultural Differences Should Americans Know When Working with the French?


If you’re from the USA and work with the French, then it’s a good idea to understand the culture.

French people are incredibly proud of their heritage and cultural identity.

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New Training Course on Working Virtually with Japanese Organizations


We’re pleased to announce a new addition to our family of eLearning courses.

Working Virtually with the Japanese is packed full of tips for professionals with clients or colleagues from Japan.

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Cultural Competence Starts with Intercultural Consciousness


If you’re a business professional working in an international setting, then you’ll understand the importance placed on cultural competence.

Whether it’s recruitment, promotion or performance development - the need for cultural competence is of increasing importance in business.

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What are 3 Core Values of Canadian Business Culture?


Work with Canadians or doing business in Canada?

In this blog, we're going to explore 3 core values that shape Canadian culture and business.

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Cultural Awareness in Business Communication


Communicating clearly is crucial if you want to hit your targets on the global stage.

Learning how to shape your message and adapt your delivery to the audience, makes you more effective.

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Doing Business in Brazil? 4 Things About the Culture You Really Need to Know


If you’re new to doing business in Brazil, then this blog is for you.

Before venturing into any new country, it’s crucial to learn about the culture.

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Why is Cultural Competence Important when Working with International Customers?


If you provide services or sell products, you’ll know how important a positive Customer Experience is.

Positive interactions and experiences retain customers and drive repeat business.

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The Impact of Culture on COVID-19 Cases and Deaths


Is there a correlation between culture and the COVID-19 pandemic?

This is a question we’ve posed before in previous blogs.

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What's the Communication Style in The UAE?


Miscommunication is one of the principal reasons for cultural misunderstandings.

Learning a bit about the country and culture you're working with can make a huge difference.

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What are Some Examples of Cultural Awareness?


Let's look closer at a few examples of cultural awareness.

They come from the real-life experiences of our clients as well as more high-profile examples.

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Silence in Japanese Business Culture and Communication


If you work with the Japanese, then you really need to understand the communication style.

Many a foreigner has made the mistake of believing ‘they all do business like us’.

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4 Cultural Reasons Why Global Virtual Teams Fail


Global virtual teams are nothing new.

However, they are predicted to become increasingly common due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The Essential Guide to Indian Business Etiquette


Manners mean a lot in Indian culture.

If you’re new to working with Indians or planning on a business trip to India, it’s crucial you brush up on your etiquette.

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Why is Relationship Building so Important in Indonesian Business Culture?


Ask a business with a successful presence in Indonesia the secret of their success, it’s unlikely they would cite their amazing product or service as the reason.

Although a great product or service is an essential factor in business success for any company expanding overseas, the essential ingredient for success in Indonesia sits firmly upon the ability to navigate and harness Indonesian culture.

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How to Navigate Cultural Differences and Become a Successful Virtual Team Leader


The recent surge of staff working from home has turned many leaders into ‘virtual’ leaders overnight.

In an environment where global collaboration tools are increasingly accessible, leaders are less likely to report technology as the biggest challenge.

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The Importance of Reciprocity in Chinese Business Culture


Do you work with the Chinese?

If so, there are some fundamental cultural concepts you need to be aware of.

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6 Cultural Differences Every Great Manager Needs to Know About


Managing people from different cultures can be a challenge.

Different viewpoints, needs and expectations can manifest in many ways within multicultural teams.

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What’s the British Communication Style?


If you want to communicate productively with British colleagues and customers, then it’s important to understand the UK communication style.

This will help you to make a good impression and deliver your message in a way that gets the outcomes you need.

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