DVDs on Cultural Awareness When Working Abroad
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Please refer to our online courses instead.
Are you going on a business trip and wondering about the cultural etiquette of the country?
Are you working with international counterparts from a specific country and encountering some issues related to communication, relationship building or management?
I am pleased to announce a new range of DVDs which aim to support companies doing business internationally and employees facing the challenges of relocation.
Our DVDs will give you essential knowledge about the country you want to work with or in.
Doing business abroad goes beyond speaking the same language. Cultural faux-pas can be disastrous for your business or your expatriation experience. Thanks to our DVDs, you will have all the information you need to facilitate relationship building and to gain a better understanding of the impact of culture on business.
Are you are a university or educational institute? Our DVDs could be the perfect material support to your teaching, especially in business schools.
What’s included in our DVDs?
• Video Script
• Role Plays
• Exercises & Discussion Questions
• Knowledge you were looking for
These DVDs are the perfect solution for busy individuals and businesses running training in-house.
Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash
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